Super Swooper
Canopy Piloting Competition
Canopy Piloting Competition
Red Circle Photography was invited to the 2011 Dubai International Parachuting Championship and Gulf Cup to take photographs for the Emirates Aviation Authority. This is the second year this competition has been held in Dubai, with 42 countries being represented by over 400 competitors. There were three skydive diciplines in the competition, 4-way Formation Skydive, Canopy Piloting and Canopy Accuracy. The event lasted for nearly two weeks, with jumps being made from Bell helicopters and a Twin Otter aeroplane. The drop zone is located on the beach in front of Dubai' marina with the formation skydivers landing on a leaf of the famous Dubai palm. It truely is an event to see and a special occassion to be a part of. Here are some of the Swooping images from over the last two weeks, days which were filled skydiving in the winter sun above the United Arab Emirates.
Red Circle Photography would like to thank everyone who took part and congratulations to all of the medalists.
Red Circle Photography would like to thank everyone who took part and congratulations to all of the medalists.